Last week, we talked about how to choose suitable translators for your team. Now, let’s look at how to choose a great bilingual reviser.
Your bilingual reviser’s responsibility is to compare each sentence of the translation to the original document, to make sure that nothing has been omitted, added or changed. This is an important part of respecting copyrights and authors reputations.
Like your translators, your bilingual reviser must be bilingual. Regarding the language you are translating into (the “target language”), your translators should have advanced comprehension. They do not necessarily need incredible writing skills in that language, but they must be able to understand the translations they are revising.
For the language you are translating from (the “source language”), it is very important that your bilingual reviser be a native speaker of that language. This will enable them to know exactly what the author was trying to say, and ensure that the translation says the same thing.
In addition, your bilingual reviser needs to be patient, methodical and logical. Their task can seem tedious at first, but as they gain experience, they will be able to do it quicker. And bilingual revision is absolutely vital for a nonprofit translation team, to ensure quality.
Next week, we will discuss the criteria for your formatter/proofreader. Stay tuned!
Have a great day!
Liane 🙂