As a translation strategist, I help individual translators hone their skills. I also work with nonprofits (especially religious) to help them create a translation team so they can publish their resources at a reasonable cost. 

Here’s a link to a short video clip that tells how my experience with my own nonprofit team, The King’s Translators, led to the development of Nonprofit Translation Solutions.

While you’re watching it, be sure to click the “Subscribe” button and check out my other videos about translation. And if you work with a nonprofit, let me know how I can help you set up your own translation team.

Have a great day!

Liane 🙂


Liane R. Grant is an OTTIAQ-certified translator (French/English) based in Quebec, Canada. She has a B.A. and M.A. in Translation from Concordia University, and a Ph.D. in Translation Studies from Université de Montréal. Liane is the Founder and Project Manager of The King's Translators, a nonprofit and mainly volunteer translation team. As a Translation Strategist, she offers training for translators and revisers, as well as consulting to help organizations establish an in-house translation team in order to produce quality translations even on a limited budget.